Funding entity Comisión Europea
Participated by EDP Distribuição Energia SA, Institute of Communication and Computer Systems, INESC PORTO, The University of Manchester, EFACEC Engenharia e Sistemas SA, Diacheiristis Ellinikou Diktyou Dianomis Elektrikis Energeias AE, Technische Universitat Berlin
The SUSTAINABLE project will develop and demonstrate a new operation paradigm, leveraging information from smart meters and short-term localized predictions to manage distribution systems in a more efficient and cost-effective way. This new paradigm will enable a large-scale deployment of variable distributed resources.
Within the project the IIT analyses the economic and regulatory implications of the SuSTAINABLE concept and makes proposals and recommendations that would pave the way for the adoption of smart grid technologies and strategies at distribution level. In addition the IIT is also responsible for the analysis of scalability, replicability and implementation conditions of the SUSTAINABLE concept. This analysis will result in a roadmap for large-scale replication will be developed.
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Project funded by European Union, within Seventh Framework Programme: |